Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Gd/Pi Topics

?I every1, these are some the points for oral introduction at ALLIANCE on 9 July†1. Ability the board is basic in organization achievement. 2. A worldwide temperature alteration. 3. Worldwide markets. 4. Online long range informal communication. 5. World is level. 6. Questionable promotions ought to be restricted. 7. Worker relationship the executives. 8. Exploration and its significance. 9. Right to data act, citizen’s contract. ?1. Impacts OF SOCIAL NETWORKING ON YOUTH 1. To make due in the humanized world one certainly should be a charlatan. 2. Do decent folks finish last. 3. Significance of Internet. . Should New Delhi be the Capital of India. 5. Should ladies take part in Defense Services. 6. There is no correct method of doing an inappropriate thing. 7. Is god male. 8. How is control in films ensuring our way of life. 9. Wrongdoing and Violence ought not be appeared on Television 10. Old style melodic is our Heritage. 11. Tidiness is a principal duty. ?1. Ability th e executives is basic in organization achievement. 2. A worldwide temperature alteration. 3. Worldwide markets. 4. Online person to person communication. 5. World is level. 6. Questionable promotions ought to be restricted. 7. Worker relationship the executives. 8. Exploration and its significance. 9. Right to data act, citizen’s contract ?GD/PI Topics:- 1. Remix in music in today’s world a decent pattern 2. Are elementary schools more significant than the executives schools? 3. Should Advertising be prohibited? 4. Leave well enough alone. 5. Singular Freedom. 6. Is person to person communication great/terrible? , and so forth 7. partition of state, communism 8. food first, morals later 9. It was whether India ought to spend its assets at space research when its an asset inadequate nation 10. IS CONSUMER REALLY A KING IN INDIA 1. ‘Advertising Cheats individuals. Subsequently, ought to be prohibited' 12. Who says MNCs are better than Indian organizations ?Other small scale introductions (from Christ Uni) 1 Aadhaar 39 Local people group in the travel industry 2 Airline Business in India 40 Managing Stress at Workplace 3 Anti Corruption Bill 41 Micro fund in Tourism 4 Arab Spring 42 Mind C ontrol 5 ASSOCHAM 43 Mobile Phones 2020 6 Biofuel 44 Molecular Gastronomy 7 Brand IPL 45 National Telecom Policy-India 8 Capital Markets 46 Neuromarketing 9 Celebrity Advertising 47 Non Proliferation Treaty 10 Climate Change 48 NREGS 1 Cognitive Computing 49 Organic Farming 12 Community Radio 50 Personal Aerial Vehicle (PAV) 13 Community Tourism 51 Promise of Nanotechnology 14 Consumer Protection 52 Psycho-Kinesis 15 Convenience Food 53 Public Private Partnerships 16 Couch Potato Generation 54 Quantum Levitation Technology 17 Creative Entrepreneurship 55 Responsible Tourism 18 Cross Cultural Communication 56 Right to Information 19 Cultural Tourism 57 Roles of Trade Unions Today 20 Cyber-Psychology 58 Rural Tourism 21 Digital Marketing 59 Security Laws in India 2 Emotional Quotient 60 Social Accounting 23 Ethics in Business 61 Speech Recognition Technology 24 Fashion Brands 62 Spiritual Tourism 25 FDI Vs Trade in India 63 Sustainable Energy 26 Food Crop Cultivation in India 64 Touri sm and Regional improvement 27 Formula one in India 65 Tourism and Cultural Understanding 28 Fringe Benefits in Corporate 66 Tourism for Heritage Conservation 29 Future of Personal Computers 67 Tourism vehicles for mutual agreement 30 Global Village 68 Unconscious Motives 31 Harry Potter 69 UNESCO India 32 Holistic Nutrition 70 Value Education †Why?